About us

Publishing House Zaslavsky is an independent publishing house in Ukraine that publishes scientific medical journals in accordance with international standards. Thanks to the team of experienced professionals in publishing business as well as the partnerships with Ukrainian Universities, Scientific Societies and other non-profit organizations, we publish 5 Open Access journals. We carefully select content and strive to publish highly professional journals filled of the regional and global content which would be recognized by the international academic community and would be included in international databases.


Kidneys / Počki
Gastroenterology / Gastroenterologìa
Emergency Medicine
The International Neurological Journal / Meždunarodnyj nevrologičeskij žurnal
Trauma / Travma

Ethics Policy

Publishing House Zaslavsky approaches to maintaining its scientific reputation with great responsibility. We make attentive monitoring of the compliance of ethical standards by all members of the publication process, including the author, reviewer, editor and publisher. In our activities we are guided by the recommendations of the following editorial associations:

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

World association of medical editors (WAME)

International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)

All the authors should declare any of their financial or other forms of conflicts of interests that should have any influence on the results or interpretation of their manuscript. Conflicts of interests appear in the case of existence of any personal interest to distort the authenticity of the information in the manuscript.

Publishing House Zaslavsky does not support plagiarism. Authors must guarantee that the submitted manuscript is completely original, has not previously been published in any language and has not submitted for peer review to another journal. All the information that has been used from other publications must have the proper link to the original source. The manipulation of scientific data, tables, figures or any text in order to knowingly provide incorrect information to manipulate peer review processes is strictly prohibited. The authors guarantee that all persons who are mentioned in the list of authors have made a significant contribution in the process of the work with the article and nobody of those who have made a significant contribution is excluded from the list of authors. All sources of external financing should be indicated. The author is responsible for all the information contained in the article.

Reviewers and editors evaluate the scientific level of the article, its practical value and compliance with the principles of ethics of scientific publications. The reviewer must give an unbiased assessment, regardless of the author's personality, gender, social status, religion and nationality. Peer review process is realized with the principles of confidentiality, that means that all the information about the article (terms of submission, content, stages and features of reviewing, comments of the reviewer and the final decision about the possibility of publication) is not disclosed to anyone but authors and reviewers.

Publishing House Zaslavsky affirms that any misconduct as the fabrication, falsification or plagiarism discriminates against the success of all scientific activities. Any questions about possible misconduct or plagiarism will first be evaluated by the editor in collaboration with the reviewer, if necessary. If appropriate, the matter will be referred to the institution where the relevant scientific work was performed.

We guarantee to make every effort to provide justice for both those who are accused of misconduct and those who have raised the issue of misconduct. If after the publication any kind of poor scientific practice is confirmed, the article is considered disproved. In this case, the editors will use the COPE rules of removal of article.

The editors of the journal study the case and make decisions about the disproof, and the editor-in-chief publishes a disproof notice with explanation of the reason. An article prepared with violations will remain in the public domain for readers, but will be marked as "removed" along with the mark of disproof.

Open Access Policy

All the journals published by Publishing House Zaslavsky adopt Platinum Open Access policy. All published materials are available immediately. We do not charge any fees from our authors and readers. The Committee for Publications Ethics (COPE) is based on the principles of transparency and best practice for science publications. Publishing House Zaslavsky allows and encourages publication of the manuscript in the Internet (in the Institutional repository, or on a special website) by the authors because it promotes productive scientific discussion and positively influences on the efficiency and dynamics of citation of article. Our publications are under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Archiving Policy

All materials published in journals are archived in the National Library «Наукова періодика України»

The digital archive of Journals is permanently preserved by LOCKSS.

Advertising Policy

Acting together with the editors of journals, Publishing House Zaslavsky may, at its own discretion, determine the types of advertising that will be accepted and published in the issues and placed on the websites of our journals. We reserve the right to reject advertising that is found to be incompatible with the mission of the journal or is unacceptable in general. Advertising does not mean endorsement of the advertised company or product. Neither the publisher nor the editorial stuff of journals is responsible for the content or accuracy of third-party advertising. The process of making the decisions that regulates the acceptance and publishing of articles is completely separated from the decisions about advertisements accepting and distribution. For advertising placement write to e-mail: mail@zaslavsky.com.ua

For Authors

Publishing House Zaslavsky uses the copyright terms of Creative Commons for open access journals. By publishing an article in our journals, the authors agree to the following terms:

  1. The authors retain rights for authorship of their article and grant to the edition the right of first publication of the article on a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. It allows others to freely distribute the published article with the obligatory reference to the authors of original works and original publication in this journal.
  2. By submitting material for publication to the publisher, the authors agree that the rights to protect and use the article and its individual parts are transferred to the editors. The publisher can reproduce the article in the press and on the Internet, translate into all languages, import, export for distribution and expand the target audience of readers.
  3. The rights mentioned above authors transfer to the edition (publisher) for the unlimited period of validity and on the territory of all countries of the world.
  4. The authors guarantee that they have exclusive rights for using of the article, which they have sent to the edition (publisher). The edition (the publisher) is not responsible for the violation of given guarantees by the authors to the third parties.
  5. The authors have the right to conclude separate additional agreements concerning the non-exclusive distribution of their article in the form published in the journal. For example, to upload the work to the online storage of the journal or publish it as part of a monograph. It is imperative to provide a link to the first publication of the work in this journal.
  6. The policy of the journal permits and encourages the publication of the article in the Internet (in institutional repository or on a personal website) by the authors, because it contributes to productive scientific discussion and a positive effect on efficiency and dynamics of the citation of the article.

Detailed requirements for preparing a manuscript for submission can be found on the website of each journal.

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Heroiv Stalinhrada Avenue, 39А, apt. 2,
Kyiv, Ukraine

Onchul Larisa – Managing editor
e-mail: onchullarisa@gmail.com

Zaslavsky Oleksandr - Publisher
e-mail: zaslavsky@i.ua 
Kuprinenko Nataliia – Head of the Editorial Department
e-mail: medredactor@i.ua